Mountain biking trails, riding areas and bike parks in Isère
You wonder where to mountain bike in Isère? Check out our trail videos to find mountain bike trails that match your level and preferences!
Map type



Access road
Very difficult
Extremely difficult

Riding areas
Bike parks or trail networks gathering multiple trails
trails listed

The 666 is one of the most beautiful trails in the 2 Alpes Bike Park™; both in terms of views and riding!
The trail is long and offers a real varied...
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Short trail located at the bottom of Les 7 Laux bikepark, Prapoutel. You can take it when you come from Chèvre Shore or Cortillets. This is an intermediate trail, no worries every...
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Arrête de l'Evêque
Sentier piétons surplombant le Super Collet qui n'est clairement pas adapté à la pratique du vélo. Certains passages peuvent donner envie, mais sur la longueur du trail il y a...
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Atelier débutants - Vallée Blanche
The Vallée Blanche "Beginners' workshop" area is a space dedicated to improving your mountain biking technique. This area, made for beginners, is made up of various wooden obstacles, rocks, and...
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Bêche à Mel
C'est une variante sur le bas du Single du Temple. Elle conserve cependant le même dénivelé. Elle est un peu plus technique car les virages sont principalement sans appui et...
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Beldina is best intermediate trail in this bike park according to our ambassador Vincent who filmed the Les 7 Laux videos. This bike trail is perfect for improvers as well...
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Bessey - Oz village
Succession de petits segments qui coupent la route qui monte à Oz station en passant par le Bessey, certaines sections sont sinueuses et d'autres sont plus droites et rapides.
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Bike Patrollers
Bike Patrollers is a blue trail located at the entrance of Les 2 Alpes, opposite the Venosc trail.
The trail starts off through wide-open fields, down a ski run, without too...
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Black Garden
The Black Garden is a Pro trail reserved for riders with a very good level, and who are comfortable with steep trails! On the menu for this variant of the...
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Beginner trail of Chamrousse bike park. An easy line which starts from the top of Chamrousse, cruising down the very bottom of the bike park. Watch Blanchon video on owlaps...
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Bloody Rock
The line goes pretty much straight into the slope, trough a narrow and slippery rocky path. You must control your speed and be precise about your riding.
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Bloody roots
Guess what?! Bloody Roots is..... full of roots!! Gnarly roots are almost all the way down the bottom of this trail. This is a proper DH track, wide, technical and...
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... and 145 more trails in this region!