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Le Loquet video shot in July 2024 | © Copyright OWLAPS


This trail follows the old Champéry 4X track. There is an incredible flow.

"A video is worth 1.8 million words", so watch our trail video!


Pour accéder à la piste Le Loquet, il est obligatoire de rouler le début de Grand Conche, puis de prendre un petit bout de liaison sur la gauche en direction de la piste recherchée.

There is no details available on how to access Le Loquet.

This trail is part of Champéry – Les Crosets – Morgins bike park; you might find more info about how to access to Le Loquet on the riding area page.


Bike Type: Downhill / Freeride, Enduro / All-mountain

Direction: Downhill only
Usage: Biking only

Le Loquet GPX file

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Map type




Access road
Very difficult
Extremely difficult
owlaps riding area marker image
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