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New content creator: Maël Pegorier

Getting involved in the cycling world.


Maël Pegorier, from Haute-Savoie, joined our team of content creators from this year. Ski instructor in winter and bike instructor in summer, Maël has made his passions his job. A choice that allows him to ride every day in enduro, road bike, and gravel.

In addition to being an instructor, Maël is also an MTB guide! Two activities that allow him to transmit his knowledge and passion on a daily basis. And it is also with this in mind that Maël joined owlaps!

Maël wishes to continue sharing his experience and tips with the cycling community. And this time, it is through owlaps videos that he will bring you as a virtual guide. Onboard his brand new Scott Genius, he will show you enduro mountain bike trails around Annecy in Haut-Savoie, but also in Switzerland in the Montreux region which he knows well.

By the way, always with the desire to share, to have fun and to make the world of cycling better, Maël is currently embarking on another adventure called Guidon MTB with two other partners; a shop which will open in mid-June in Annecy and which will offer guided shuttles, enduro/DH courses, and bike repair.

Maël Pegorier riding a ridge during sunset

To find out more about Maël, check out his profile: https://owlaps.com/en/rider/mael-pegorier/.


Photos credits @rom.mphotography and @yanndannic.


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