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We are back!

We have received a lot of messages asking if we are going to continue making videos. And the answer is yes! In reality, we never stopped filming, we just stopped publishing …

We have over a hundred videos to publish!

Our last video dates back to September 22, 2019. Our last posts on Instagram and Facebook in December … Let’s say it, we haven’t been very active publicly for a while, it’s true! We have in a way made an early containment, by keeping a low profile on all our platforms for several months. However, we haven’t stopped working, quite the contrary!

Photo: © OWLAPS


It was not easy to keep the secret and to remain without being able to share anything with you … But that’s how it is, the hard part is gone as they say! During all these months, the owlaps team worked on a new big project, which aims to bring you lots of news and new features. All our activity was focused on setting up projects and tasks invisible to you. But that time is over and the tip of the iceberg is resuming activity today!

And this iceberg is full of surprises that we look forward to revealing to you in the coming days!

Photo: © Elyan Clement


To be honest, we have so much to share with you that we don’t know where to start!


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