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A-line - upper video shot in June 2017 | © Copyright OWLAPS


A-line Whistler is probably the most famous trail in the World! This line is the Whistler bike park classic, shown in every Whistler videos! The trail has an incredible flow, and features ton of cool table jumps! This is the upper A-line, then the trail continues to the Whistler village down a lower section called Lower A-line.

"A video is worth 1.8 million words", so watch our trail video!


There is no details available on how to access A-line - upper.

This trail is part of Whistler Mountain Bike Park; you might find more info about how to access to A-line - upper on the riding area page.


Bike Type: Downhill / Freeride, Enduro / All-mountain

Direction: Downhill only
Usage: Biking only

A-line - upper GPX file

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Map type




Access road
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owlaps riding area marker image
Riding areas

Bike parks or trail networks gathering multiple trails

A-line - upper

Whistler Mountain Bike Park

Trail usage : Biking only
Profile : Downhill only

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