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New content creator: Charles Bousquet

100% Vosges made, Charles Bousquet loves flowy and loamy trails.


Charles Bousquet joins owlaps

With his garden directly overlooking the forest, Charles Bousquet is one of those riders who have the opportunity to ride almost every day, all year round! A chance that he maintains by spending a lot of time shaping. He admitted to spend as much – if not more – time building trails than riding. A great initiative, which allows him to constantly ride beautiful, freshly shaped tracks in the loam and moss of the Vosges forests! And it is not his neighbor, mentor, and friend Rémy Absalon who will complain!


The passion for cycling, Charles also likes to share it through visual content. With his friend Paul Fisson, they regularly make short video edits and beautiful photos that they share on social. And the mix between the Canadian atmosphere of the Vosges, the style of Charles, and the talent of Paul often deliver great results!

To introduce you to Charles and give you an overview of the trails he has planned to take you to discover through his GoPro, here are two beautiful videos produced by Paul Fisson:

Charles Bousquet rides his Genius in the loamy Vosges forest.


Fall run for Charles Bousquet and his Gambler.


We don’t know you, but we can’t wait to discover these enduro and DH tracks in the Vosges!

In the meantime, to find out more about Charles Bousquet, visit to his profile: https://owlaps.com/rider/charles-bousquet/


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